Valdosta Coalition For Peace & Justice
The Valdosta Coalition for Peace and Justice wants to facilitate a process of racial healing and reconciliation in our community via an honest dialogue about our society’s painful history of racial violence which translates into the injustices of our time. In the Valdosta area, we have found a need to individualize and rehumanize victims of our past to create an integrated culture of remembrance, foster communication, and battle racism.
Upcoming Events / Important Dates
For a list of all of upcoming events and important dates, please visit the VCPJ’s calendar. Click event/date to view details and videos.
Remember Ahmaud Arbery
Remember Trayvon Martin
Remember Breonna Taylor
Remember George Floyd
Tulsa Race Massacre
Juneteenth 2025
Celebrate Juneteenth!
Remember Troy Davis
Fix our broken criminal justice system!
Remember Tamir Rice
Honoring Rosa Parks
The beginning of the Civil Rights movement.
Founding of the KKK in 1865
America's first domestic terrorist group
The National Memorial
for Peace and Justice
Our name, “Valdosta Coalition of Peace and Justice”, is inspired by the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, Alabama. This memorial was conceived with the hope of creating a meaningful site where people can gather and reflect on America’s history of racial inequality.